Don'T Buy, Do İt Yourself Book has been approved as a cultural work of art. Don'T Buy, Do İt Yourself book by artist Hulya Erol has been added to the World Turkish Cuisine Heritage List.
The following statements are included in the relevant document: "Don'T Buy, Do İt Yourself Book (Author: Hulya Erol) has been inscribed on the World Turkish Cuisine Heritage List. İnscription of this List confirms the unique and universal value of a cultural artwork which requires protection for the benefit of Turkish Cuisine and its Chefs." (Date of İnscription: May 07, 2022)
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The summary report pasted onto the book includes the following statements:
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-605-5181-70-3 - Author: Hulya Erol – Publisher: Hayykitap
Full report of the summary of this report, prepared by WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy, is 7 pages in English and 6 pages in Turkish, and consists of 4 sections given below.
The World Turkish Cuisine Academy has described the book "Don't Buy, Do It Yourself" as a cultural work of art. After the examinations, WTCA determined that the book included important cultural information as well as recipes that can be prepared traditionally in a natural way. In the book, important messages that will benefit the people of the world as well as public health which have been shared by the author based on experience, research and resources.
The book of Don't Buy Do It Yourself, is added in the World Turkish Cuisine Heritage List, the list of works and cultural heritages of Turkish cuisine that should be preserved on earth. Due to the issues included in this report: WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy will promote the book on different platforms for all the reasons it has been included in the report numbered 0016 and 1071-1453-26-30-2022-D16, when it deems necessary in the future. And WTCA, will encourage the preservation and survival of the work and its recommendation as an educational book to students. WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy will encourage its promotion to different nations and cultures around the world by suggesting that the work be translated into English or other languages in the near and far future. WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy has registered the names of all the recipes given by Ms. Hulya Erol in the Book of "Don't Buy, Do it Yourself" as belonging to Turkish culinary culture. WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy has archived and recorded all the information which was given by Ms. Hulya Erol in the Book of "Don't Buy, Do İt Yourself". WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy will encourage the people for the awareness of the society on the production of healthy food by using natural and traditional methods.
- · Products or recipes included in the book that do not belong to our national cuisine culture are excluded from the registered list. (Example: On page 129, it is stated by the author that Kimchi belongs to Korean Cuisine, but the recipe was interpreted for Turkish cuisine in the book.) &
The World Turkish Cuisine Academy makes the following suggestions to all communities or institutions in the world, based on the evaluations, determinations and analyses given above.
- Don't Buy (Factory Made), Do-İt Yourself Book, as the name suggests, makes important contributions to all humanity in order to provide healthy food by using natural methods. Therefore, the humanity of the world should understand the importance of turning to natural foods for a healthier life and public health by taking into account all the issues in the book.
- The book contains important recipes of Turkish cuisine. These recipes should be protected and encouraged as belonging to our national cuisine culture. In this sense, we recommend that the book be used as a training book by recommending it to students studying in culinary vocational schools and those who teach the culinary profession at schools. The book also deals with important issues in agriculture and food production. In addition, we recommend that the relevant book be recommended for the development of the courses given on agricultural policies for those studying in agricultural engineering faculties and food engineering departments.
- Translation into different languages should be encouraged, as the book contains information that will provide great benefit to the people of the world.
- We recommend that people and all institutions working on issues concerning public health and developing policies on food in the world regarding public health should consider the issues included in the book.
Due to the results obtained in the light of the analyzes and evaluations above: The book with the international standard book number 978-605-5181-70-3, written by Ms. Hulya Erol, titled as "Do Not Buy, Do It Yourself" has been included in World Turkish Cuisine Heritage List which should be preserved on earth.
WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy has registered the names of all related products or recipes given by Ms. Hulya Erol in the book of "Do Not Buy, Do It Yourself" as belonging to Turkish culinary culture.
WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy has archived and recorded all the information which given by Ms. Hulya Erol in the book of "Do Not Buy, Do It Yourself"
WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy will encourage all people to preserve and keep this work alive by promoting the work of art on different platforms in the future, based on some of the suggestions given above, in the book of "Do Not Buy, Do It Yourself". WTCA, will also encourage people all over the world to introduce and read the work as an educational book for cooks, students who are cook-chef candidates where studying about tourism-culinary arts or studying in agricultural engineering and food engineering departments as students.
WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy will encourage the promotion of the work to different nations and cultures around the world by suggesting that the work be translated into English or other languages in the near and far future.
WTCA-World Turkish Cuisine Academy will encourage the people for the awareness of the society on the production of healthy food by using natural and traditional methods.
Respectfully Announced to the Public
Ek Dosyaları İndir
- 1-World Turkish Cuisine Heritage List (403 İndirmeler)